Auricular Chakra Balancing
The 7 main chakras are located in the centre of the body and connect directly to the nervous system and the endocrine system. These are our main communication systems of the body. Chakras are thought to allow a free flow of energy in response to changes within our internal and external environment. Physical, mental and emotional issues can all affect our chakra energy flow and make us feel out of sorts. By regularly aiming to balance our chakras we can help ourselves to feel more energised and yet calm at the same time.
You can do this auricular balancing sequence lying down so you don’t strain your arms. If you are sitting at a desk or table you can rest your elbows on the desk/table or place a large cushion or a pillow on your knees to rest your arms on. We work both ears simultaneously.
Place your feet on the ground and your hands on your heart. Take three slow gentle breaths in and out becoming aware of your body and how it is feeling. Breathe in to any aches and pains or niggles and make a mental note of where they are in your body.
Then place your hands over your ears and make the intent that you are connecting to your whole body through your ears with the aim of balancing your chakras and in turn your whole mind, body and spirit. ‘I intend to balance my emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health through chakra points on my ears’.
1st Chakra is the root chakra - Muladhara Chakra
Why we work this Chakra: The root chakra can be out of balance when we are stressed, if we feel financially insecure or worried about our health. The endocrine glands associated with the root chakra are the ovaries and testes and also the adrenals (different charts have different interpretations) . As well as stress, physical problems with the pelvic area and lower back can be linked to root chakra imbalances.
Location: This is found at the base of your spine in the perineum and on the ear we find this where the helix joins the ridge of the anti-helix on the central side of the auricle on the edge of the triangular Fossa. Place the tips of your middle fingers very lightly on this point to create an energy link.
Balancing: Breathe in and out as slowly and as deeply as comfortable for you. As you hold these points focus your attention on the root chakra in your body and visualise the colour red – a warm, glowing, vibrant red. Then as you breathe in, see red moving upwards through your body from the base of your spine to the top of your head and back down from the top of your head, through your body and into the earth. Feel this warm red energy circulating and empowering every cell in your body and connecting you securely to the earth. Affirm to yourself that you are safe, secure and confident. ‘I am safe, secure and confident in all areas of my life.’
2nd Chakra – Sacral Chakra Svadisthana/Swadistana Chakra
Why we work this Chakra: The sacral chakra links also to the gonads and adrenal glands in most sources with reference also to the kidneys and bowels. Emotionally an imbalanced sacral chakra may mean difficulties in accepting change and relating to others; it connects to our sexuality, courage and self-esteem.
Location: In the body the sacral chakra is located below the naval in the sacral spine region. On the ears we find it in the lower abdominal/sacral area on the anti-helix.
Balancing: Place the tip of your middle fingers lightly on the anti-helix just below the apex of the triangular fossa. Hold very lightly, close your eyes and connect with the energy. Draw your attention to the sacrum below the naval and visualise a bright orange colour. Breathe into this area and allow the orange colour to expand and flow into every part of your body.
A good affirmation for balancing this chakra is ‘I feel calm, strong and courageous, I feel free to express my emotions and desires’.
3rd Chakra - Solar plexus - Manipura chakra
Why we work this Chakra: The solar plexus chakra is about confidence and control. When our Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked we may doubt ourselves and purpose in life. The endocrine link is with the pancreas.
Location: In the body we find the solar plexus chakra in our stomach and often feel butterflies in this area or a sinking feeling when faced with emotions we find hard to handle. On the ears the chakra is located on the helix root just as it curves into the centre of the ear. It is in front (central) of point zero.
Balancing: Place the tips of your middle fingers lightly on the helix root, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. The colour is yellow, so visualise a sunny bright sunflower yellow suffusing your body and healing emotional hurts. An affirmation here could be ‘I am strong and my opinions matter. My feelings are valid, I acknowledge my feelings and learn from them’.
4th Chakra – Heart Chakra – Anahata chakra
Why we work this Chakra: The heart chakra connects to the thymus gland and is about relationships, truth and commitment.
Location: in the body it is the heart and on the ear it is located just over and in front of the external auditory meatus (the ear canal).
Balancing: Place the tips of your middle fingers over the ear canal and just touching the area to the front of it, in the inferior concha. The colour here is green or rose pink. Whatever colour you are drawn to in this moment, visualise it in your heart and feel it expanding with each out breath. Feel the colour moving outwards and around your body spring cleaning and healing as it enters each cell, tissue and organ of the body. Affirm ‘I am true to myself and others and feel love glowing in and from my heart’.
5th Chakra – Throat chakra - Vishuddi/ Vishuddha chakra
Why we work this Chakra: The throat chakra is linked to the thyroid gland and is connected to speaking our truth and how we communicate openly and honestly with others.
Location: In the neck at the throat and on the ears we locate the throat chakra where the anti-tragus (the raised area above the ear lobe) merges into the anti-helix. Here the neck and thyroid are both located.
Balancing: Place the tips of your middle fingers in the dip between the anti-tragus and anti-helix. Visualise a bright blue ball at your throat and focussing on the breath allow this ball to shimmer and shine. See it growing and pulsating as it opens communication within your body. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. All Chakras have a sound connected to them and the sound for the throat chakra is Ham in the note of G. If you feel able, it can help to release any blockages here by chanting haaaaaam in the note of G – a long slow note and word. If you find this helpful, incorporate all of the chants and notes when you balance your chakras. They can be found easily on the internet.
6th Chakra – Brow/Third eye chakra – Ajna chakra
Why we work this chakra: For insight, intuition and knowledge. The all-seeing eye can help bring clarity and perspective to all situations and circumstances. Sometimes we are so bogged down with what is happening in our lives we cannot see the wood for the trees. By balancing and drawing the attention to the brow chakra you can be more objective and see the bigger picture.
Location: In between and slightly above the eyebrows on the forehead. On the ears we locate this below the inter-tragic notch (the valley or dip in between the tragus and anti-tragus) towards the anti-tragus on the ear lobe.
Balancing: Place the tips of your middle fingers on the lobes of the ears, if you need to rest your hands on your face that is fine. Breathe in slowly and visualise a deep dark blue like the inky depths of the universe. If you feel able, allow this blue to flow around your forehead and then the whole head and down through your body. This deep healing blue can bring you clarity and wisdom as well as a sense of peace and calm. An affirmation could be ‘I see clearly and trust my intuition’.
7th Chakra – Crown chakra – Sahasrara chakra
Why we work this Chakra: This special chakra helps to connect to our higher selves. It is about our Spiritual awareness, seeing and knowing the truth and feeling blissfully happy. If you feel overwhelmed and stressed then the crown chakra may be out of balance. You may feel exhausted, be unable to sleep and have headaches.
Location: In the body it is on the top of the head in the centre. On the ears there are different possible locations. I have located it on the tip of the ear lobe, just towards the face in front of your earrings if you wear them, which isn’t anatomically correct but feels incredibly balancing. However if you prefer you could connect at the tip of the anti-tragus. Perhaps see what works best for you.
Balancing: For this one I use my middle fingers on the anterior (front surface) and my thumbs underneath for support – all very light and gentle.
When you are comfortable draw your attention to the top of your head and breathe in and out slowly and steadily while visualising a violet or golden white light above your head that you begin to breathe into your body. Feel the beautiful cleansing and balancing light swirl through your body renewing each cell.
Give yourself time to really breathe and connect with this chakra and when you are ready place your hands back over your ears and give thanks for your body helping to rebalance itself.
Place your hands back on your heart and do another body scan to see how your aches and pains and niggles now feel. Check in with how you feel emotionally as well as physically and remember to ground yourself and have some water.
As your chakras are continually flowing and reacting to both internal and external energy it makes sense to regularly balance your chakras.
I hope you find this a simple and effective way of doing so. Don’t forget this is just a suggestion and you can add in or take out what suits you. As with all things practise discernment and if this doesn’t feel right for you then don’t do it until it does feel right.
If you would like the Auricular chart to help you locate the Chakras then please visit the college shop